Tuesday, March 3, 2009

On Brain Fog

Do you ever have one of those days when your brain goes on strike? Today is one of those days. Earlier I tried to write the number "7" and somehow I managed to write the letter "V". I tried to make a cup of tea and I threw the tea bag in the trash and dropped the paper wrapping in my cup. When ordering my food at Haven (I'm officially an addict) I got all the way up to the counter and completely forgot what I was going to order. Dan had to remind me.

Maybe it's the way the planets are aligned? Perhaps the way I slept? Maybe it's what I had for breakfast?

I'm not sure what it is exactly, but it has utterly zapped my blogger-juice. So today, in place of an refined, inspired, eloquent (Who am I kidding?), post, I will leave you with a very good Berkshire resource and a very bad joke.

First, the resource:
The Berkshire Visitor Bureau
Full of activities, itineraries, events, recommendations, and even nifty things like webisodes and photos. Very handy indeed.

And now for the joke:
Q.) What goes, "Haha! Bonk."?
A.) A man laughing his head off.

With Love,
~Brande N.

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