Monday, November 10, 2008

An introduction, of a sort.

I read blogs. A Lot. It’s an addiction. If you were to peek into my Yahoo account and view my bookmarks, you’d see an entire folder called “Blogs”. You’d see that that folder contains about 25 different blogs, and you’d see that I read every one of them every single day. Some of them I even several times a day in desperate, grasping hope of an update. Like I said, it’s an addiction.

I read a lot of books too. And the ones that always grab me are the ones that throw me headfirst into the action. “Johnny lept from the bow of the ship, terrified of what might await him in the murky waters below…” Those are my kinda books. And while I won’t be jumping off the bows of any ships as an Innkeeper (hopefully), there are times in this new job when I feel like I am.

I think that’s sort of the way I like things though. When I first learned how to waitress it was because our best waitress called in sick just before lunch. My boss looked at me and said, “So Brande, you’re going to be my waitress today.” I was thrown headfirst into the lunch hour, stunned and utterly clueless, left to take orders, bus tables, deliver sodas, and make more mistakes than I care to think about. But I learned. And because of those struggles, I became a darn good waitress.

So while I have no experience of any kind in Inn Management, I know the struggles and silly mistakes I will inevitably make will be good for me. It’s sort of like going to the dentist. It usually hurts and I always want to go take a nap afterwards, but it’s good for me. And it’s gonna make me a darn good Innkeeper.

So here’s to making mistakes, learning from them, and, above all else, keeping an online record of every last one of them. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of stories to tell. So stick with me, keep reading, and let’s have some fun, shall we?

With love,
-Brande N.

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