-Delicious and...
-Locally made...
-By hand...
-With no artificial sweeteners, flavorings, or additives...
-Using milk from ethically and humanely raised cows...
-Who are 100% grass-fed...
-On certified organic pastures?
The answer?
Nothing. Nothing could possibly be better! This is the holy grail of yogurt.
And it's good for you too! Pasture-raised cows produce milk that is higher in essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 and CLA. These fatty acids are linked to everything from healthy skin and nails to a decreased ricks of stroke and cancer to reduced depression. Super foods, indeed.
We're making great progress on converting our foods to local and/or organic varieties. Our coffee is locally roasted, fair trade and sustainably grown; our teas are all organic and/or fair trade; our honey is local; most of our produce is organic (soon to be local, come summertime!); our bread is local and organic; our apples are locally grown and residue free; our preserves are all locally made; even our instant oatmeal is organic!
The next and most difficult step is sourcing local and organic meats. We tried this winter and struck out, but we're hoping for better luck this time. I'll keep you posted, but in the meantime; wish us luck!
With Love,
~Brande N.
1 comment:
On personal note, the efforts that you and Dan are making toward local/organic food and products are extremely inspiring to me. You are proving that it CAN be done, and that's just awesome! BRAVO! That yogurt looks delicious! And you're right, it's the Holy Grail of Yogurt! Also, I am completely serious when I say that I have (through the remote but serious means of the internet) absolutely fallen in love with your Inn and the lifestyle you are trying to create there...I fantasize about escaping there whenever life seems too crazy and stressful here...Thank You Brande :) *hug*
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