You may have noticed that today is Friday the 13th which is my all-time favorite holiday... Well, it's a holiday to me. You see, when I was in high school, my friends and I always referred to Friday the 13th as "Freaky Friday" and celebrated it by doing things like wearing mismatched socks and dying our hair purple (Yeah, we were all the "weirdos", and were proud of it!). In honor of that, and for your entertainment, I was going to post some of those strange and "freaky" photos that people alter in photoshop. The one's that, for example, make Albert Einstein's head shaped like an egg. Get it? Egg head? Yeah, I know. Bad joke. It's a good thing I didn't make that post, huh?
Especially since just before I was about to start it, I got this email. And knew that I had to share it with you. It's much too funny to not share with the world. So, without further adieu:
(Click to Enlarge)

Happy Freaky-Valentine's-Friday-Eve!
~Brande N.
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