We just finished a crazy round of mad-dash decorating here at the Inn. Halls were decked, wreaths were hung, trees assembled, candles lit, and, of course, pictures were taken. I hope these pictures kick start your holiday spirit like they did mine, enjoy!

Here's our "Red" tree in the Sitting Room. If you could just pretend you don't notice that the top of the tree isn't lit, I'd feel much better about my decorating skills...

My favorite ornament on this tree is this cute little "Letters to Santa" tube. It really opens too!

We also have this beautiful menorah on the piano in the Sitting Room.

The Sherry Room features this red-berry garland that I
adore. I think they're supposed to be cranberries; which makes the cranberry-mandarin candles very appropriate.

And did you notice this guy next to the fireplace? We've designated him our "Keeper of the Sherry". It's a difficult position, but we think he's up to the task.

The Dining Room features our "Blue" tree, which (unsurprisingly) is decorated in shades of blue and silver. It's so frosty and delicate looking.

My favorite ornament on this tree is this beautiful blue bird. Did you ever notice that blue crayon in the box called "cerulean"? I never knew what that word was or how to pronounce it but it was always my favorite crayon. This bird is that same exact color. So pretty!

And the newest addition to the Garden Gables Family are these silly little penguins that we found in the basement. They have a little twisty thing on their backs that makes them waddle across the table. Too cute! We've designated them "The Keepers of the Desk". That too is a difficult position, and as much as I'd like to say they're up to the task, those googly little eyes are terribly unconvincing.
We'll be adding more Deco in the coming days, so I'll be sure to post more pictures. Perhaps I'll give you an update on the performance of our Guard Penguins too. :-P
With Love and Holiday Silliness,
~Brande N.
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